[Agda] summing rationals

Ulf Norell ulf.norell at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 09:46:28 CEST 2017

The rationals are not very well-developed in agda-prelude. Nevertheless I
get unsurprising performance compared to ghc (~2min for n = 20,000 on my
machine) with the following benchmark:

module Harmonic where

open import Prelude
open import Numeric.Rational

-- sum [ 1/k | k <- [1..n] ]
harmonic : Nat → Rational
harmonic 0 = 0
harmonic (suc n) = sum (map (λ k → ratio 1 (suc k) refl) (from 0 to n))

test : Nat → Rational
test n = harmonic n * 0

main : IO ⊤
main =
  caseM getArgs of λ where
    (s ∷ []) → print (test <$> parseNat s)
    _ → pure _

The reason that DoCon performs so well is that it has a more clever
implementation of _+_. agda-prelude and GHC implements _+_ as

  (p :% q) + (p1 :% q1) = (p * q1 + p1 * q) % (q * q1)
    where a % b = let d = gcd a b in div a d :% div d b

DoCon implements _+_ as

  (p :% q) + (p1 :% q1) = div n dd :% (q' * q1' * div d dd)
      d = gcd q q1
      q' = div q d
      q1' = div q1 d
      n = p * q1' + p1 * q'
      dd = gcd n d

I can't claim to understand why this is so much faster, but it is.

/ Ulf

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 9:06 PM, Sergei Meshveliani <mechvel at botik.ru>

> Dear all,
> Consider the following performance test for rational arithmetic.
> Call this test call "Harmonic":
>   f n =  sum [1/k | k <- [1 .. n]]   for n : Nat, 1/k : Rational,
>   sum = foldr _+_ 0    where _+_ = fraction addition
>   test n =  let fn = f n
>             in  fn - fn
>   Read from file   n = 100, 1000, 2000, 100.000 ...,
>   print  (test n)  and check time.
> (fn - fn)  is applied here in order to avoid printing large values.
>   --------------------------- Haskell code -------
>   import Data.Ratio ((%))
>   f :: Integer -> Rational     -- :: Ratio Integer
>   f n =
>       sum [1 % k | k <- [1 .. n]]
>   -------------------------------------------------
> I compare the three libraries:
>   (GHC) GHC  (Glasgow Haskell 7.10.2),
>   (D)   DoCon-2.12  written in Haskell, running under GHC,
>   (DA)  DoCon-A 2.00-pre   written in Agda,
>                            running under Agda 2.5.2 -like.
> (D) and (DA) keep fractions with numerator and denominator mutually
> coprime, and cancel fractions most eagerly by gcd.
> (GHC)  does not cancel by gcd so eagerly.
> The performance comparison on Harmonic is:
>                 (D) >> (GHC) > (DA).
> (D) takes  n = 200.000  easily, while GHC "hangs" on 20.000
>     -- for a 3 GHz machine.
> (GHC) is considerably faster (DA)
>       (DA hangs for long on 4000).
> The method in (DA) is the same as (D).
> gcd is almost as fast as GHC.gcd, this has been tested.
> Division (with remainder) is via  dimMod  of Agda-prelude, it is fast.
> And I wonder why (DA) is so slow.
> (DA) carries all the needed proofs (for coprimality, and such).
> But I hope, this does not effect performance any essentially.
> Can anybody provide the code for testing Harmonic for  Rational numbers
> in  agda-prelude ?
> The (DA) test for (Fraction Integer) is like this:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> open Fraction.F0 Int1.integralRing-with∣? Int1.gcdRing using
>                                  (Fraction; fraction; fraction-showInst)
> open Fraction.F1 Int1.integralRing-with∣? Int1.gcdRing using (frRingoid)
> open Ringoid frRingoid using (_-_)
> open Fraction
> inv-n :  ℕ → Fraction              -- \n → 1/(1+n)
> inv-n n =
>         fraction (+ 1) (+ (suc n)) +suc≢+0
> f : ℕ → Fraction    -- sum [1/n | n <- [1 .. n+1]]
> f n =
>     sum frRingoid (map inv-n (natSegment 0 n))
> main : IO Unit
> main = (readFiniteFile "data.txt") >>= putStrLn ∘ toCostring ∘ g
>   where
>   g : String -> String
>   g str =
>     -- n  is first read from file  data.txt
>     concatStr
>     ("n = "                 ∷  showNat n                 ∷ ",   " ∷
>      "num (f n - f n) =  "  ∷  showInt (num (fn - fn))   ∷ "\n\n"
>      ∷ []
>     )
>     where
>     n  = stringToNat $ filterStr decimalDigit? str
>     fn = f n
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So far, I do not find the performance bottleneck in (DA).
> Thanks,
> ------
> Sergei
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