[Agda] Standard library mailing list?

Jacques Carette carette at mcmaster.ca
Tue May 30 15:25:53 CEST 2017

Is there a separate list (or place, such as github issues or ...) to ask 
design questions about the standard library?

As a sample, here is the type of thing I have in mind:

- Would it be a good idea to add --without-K to as much of the library 
as possible?
   - Yes: then I would start submitting pull requests (on an ad hoc 
basis) doing this.
   - No: why not?  And where would this rationale be best documented?  
[I can take care of taking the discussion and adding it to the docs]

I have a number of other such things in mind, I just want to make sure 
such requests are sent to the 'right place' and not viewed as 
pseudo-spam on this particular list.


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