[Agda] Some suggestions for the 'where' syntax and C-c C-,

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 18:24:06 CEST 2017

Consider this example :

module test where

data T : Set where
  t : T
  tt : T

data D : T → Set where
  d : D t
  dt : D tt

f : T → T
f t = tt
f tt = t

g : (x : T) → D (f (f (f x)))
g x = {!!} where
 e = (f (f (f x)))


A. When someone checks the hole with C-c C-, , he does not see the type of

B. It would be nice if the goal type and the context were updated to
contain the e variable.

If the expressions are very long, I currently have to check them very
carefully to see if the variable I have defined is the same as the
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