[Agda] Case split creates too many {_}

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 13:59:00 CEST 2017

removeCom {frll = frll} (_⊂_ {pll = pll} {ll = ll} {ind = ind} lf lf₁) (_←⊂
{lind = lind} ic) with (replLL ll ind (replLL pll lind frll)) |
(drepl=>repl+ {frll = frll} ind lind)
... | g | r = {!!}

case splitting creates this:

removeCom {frll = frll} (_⊂_ {pll = pll} {ll = ll} {ind = ind} lf lf₁) (_←⊂
{lind = lind} ic) with (replLL ll ind (replLL pll lind frll)) |
(drepl=>repl+ {frll = frll} ind lind)
removeCom {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {frll} (_⊂_ {pll} {_} {_} {_} {ind} lf lf₁)
(_←⊂ {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {lind} ic) | .(replLL _ (ind +ᵢ lind)
frll) | refl = ?

instead of :

removeCom {frll = frll} (_⊂_ {pll = pll} {ll = ll} {ind = ind} lf lf₁) (_←⊂
{lind = lind} ic) with (replLL ll ind (replLL pll lind frll)) |
(drepl=>repl+ {frll = frll} ind lind)
removeCom {frll = frll} (_⊂_ {pll = pll} {ll = ll} {ind = ind} lf lf₁) (_←⊂
{lind = lind} ic) | .(replLL _ (ind +ᵢ lind) frll) | refl = ?

I wonder if the behavior can be changed.
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