[Agda] about serialization

Ulf Norell ulf.norell at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 10:43:22 CEST 2017

As you noticed from the profiling information almost all time is spent on
serialisation and deserialisation. Given that you mostly have module
application this likely means that your types are very big. You can
inspect the types of everything in a module with the command C-c C-o.
If you first turn on showing implicit arguments (C-c C-x C-h) you should
be able to spot the problematic types.

Note that deserialisation also takes a lot of time, i.e. loading the already
checked modules is expensive, so your problems are not restricted to

/ Ulf

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Sergei Meshveliani <mechvel at botik.ru> wrote:

> On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 12:02 +0200, Ulf Norell wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Sergei Meshveliani <mechvel at botik.ru>
> > wrote:
> >
> >         But anyway I need to understand: what generally the type
> >         checker does in
> >         the examples of this kind.
> >         Here is a simplified example.
> >
> >         module OfSemigroup  is given an arbitrary semigroup H as a
> >         parameter,
> >         and it defines certain items using H.
> >
> >         module OfRing  is given an arbitrary ring R as a parameter.
> >         It defines  *-semigroup-2  -- a direct product of the
> >         multiplcative
> >         semigroup of R with itself.
> >
> >         module M is given an arbitrary ring R as a parameter.
> >         And its only implementation is
> >             where
> >             open OfRing R using (*-semigroup-2)
> >             module OfMulSemigroup = OfSemigroup *-semigroup-2
> >
> >         Suppose that M1 and M2 have been type-checked earlier.
> >         When type-checking M,
> >         * what is substituted to where?
> >         * what is being normalized?
> >         * what part can be expensive?
> >
> >
> > Nothing is normalised and the only type checking that happens is
> > to check that the given module arguments match the types expected
> > by the module. The arguments are substituted into the types of the
> > module definitions, but not the bodies. Nevertheless, this may create
> > very big types that take a long time to serialise. What does the
> > profile information tell you about where the time is spent? My money
> > would be on serialisation.
> >
> Thank you for explanation.
> In the real example, it reports for  -M8G  and  3 GHz machine:
>   Total             122,391ms
>   Miscellaneous      51,607ms
>   UFtRing0           70,784ms
>   Serialization      49,883ms (61,239ms)
>   Deserialization    51,303ms,
> where  M.agda = UFtRing0.agda,
> the first 3 lines are of  profile.modules:10,
> the last  2 lines are of  profile:7.
> I am trying to understand what is happening there so that takes a great
> cost.
> Let us, so far, consider only the cost of Serialization.
> For the above M.agda, I have in reality quite a small source:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> module UFtRing0 where
> open import Data.Product using (_,_)
> -- of application-----
> open import Structures3 using (UpIntegralRing; UpIntegralRing-with∣?)
> open import Structures4 using (module OverIntegralRing-0)
> open import Structures6 using (module OverIntegralRing-2)
> open import FtMonoid1   using (module OfCCMonoid-1)
> open import FtRing      using (module OverIntegralRing-5)
> module UniqueFtRing-0 {α α=}
>              (upIR∣? : UpIntegralRing-with∣? α α=)
>              (open OverIntegralRing-2 upIR∣? using (Prime∣split))
>              (open OverIntegralRing-5 upIR∣? using (FactorizationRing))
>              (ftRing      : FactorizationRing)
>              (prime∣split : Prime∣split)
>   where
>   open OverIntegralRing-0 upIR∣? using (_∣'?_; *upCMon-NZ; *cancel-nz)
>   module NZPack1 = OfCCMonoid-1 (*upCMon-NZ , _∣'?_) *cancel-nz
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The last line  "module NZPack1 = ..."
> takes 93 % of the type check cost. This is visible when we comment out
> this line.
> It remains to see what happens when type checking this last line.
> OfCCMonoid-1  is defined in previous .agda file:
>   module OfCCMonoid-1 {α α=}
>                   (upCMon∣? : UpCommutativeMonoid-with∣? α α=)
>                   (let upCMon = proj₁ upCMon∣?)
>                   (open UpCommutativeMonoid upCMon using (setoid; _∙_))
>                   (cancel : LCancellation setoid _∙_)
>      where ...
> (1) So, the type checker checks that  *upCMon-NZ :  UpCommutativeMonoid.
> This has been checked earlier, in the module  OverIntegralRing-0.agda,
> so its Serialization cost here is zero
> Right?
> (2) The type checker processes all the signatures in the module
>     OfCCMonoid-1,  with substituting there the parameter values.
> The main parameter value is  *upCMon-NZ,
> (the parameters  _∣'?_ and *cancel-nz  give a smaller cost, also they
> are considered similarly).
> *upCMon-NZ  is imported from OverIntegralRing-0 as ready.
> This (nested record structure) is the instance of a generic structure of
> CommutativeMonoid for the case of the monoid of nonzero elements in the
> given IR : IntegralRing,  for multiplication in IR.  It may be a large
> term.
> And  *upCMon-NZ  is substituted into all signatures in OfCCMonoid-1.
> C = Carrier  is extracted from  upCMon∣?;  the latter is replaced
> according to  *upCMon-NZ,  so that  C  is being replaced in  with
> Nonzero  in  OfCCMonoid-1.
> For example, in
>   pairValue : C × ℕ → C
>   pairValue = uncurry _^_
> the signature is replaced with
>                           pairValue : Nonzero × ℕ → Nonzero,
> and the second line is not touched.
> Right?
> The signature
>     pairToAsd : C × ℕ → Associated × ℕ
> is replaced with
>     pairToAsd : Nonzero × ℕ → Associated-NZ × ℕ
> Here a notion of  Associated  is imported by
>       open OfAssociated upCMon∣? using (Associated; ...),
> upCMon∣? is replaced there (in a previous .agda module) with *upCMon-NZ,
> and  Associated  is replaced there with a certain  Associated-NZ,
> and this has been done when type checking previous .agda modules.
> In the definition
>   record Factorization (a : C) : Set (α ⊔ α=)
>     where
>     constructor factorization′
>     field  multiset  : Multiset
>            allPrime  : All IsPrime $ msKeys multiset
>            productEq : a ~ msValue multiset
> Multiset  is replaced with certain Multiset-NZ,
> IsPrime  with IsPrime-NZ,
> Both these values are checked and ready in previous .agda modules.
> OfCCMonoid-1  is so that (according to your explanation) only the above
> trivial substitutions are done for the values prepared and checked in
> previous .agda files.
> Only the size of terms being substituted may be large.
> For example,  *upCMon-NZ  is a structure which contains a proof for that
> nonzero elements  Nonzero  in  upIR : IntegralRing  form a commutative
> monoid for multiplication, and also implementation for several
> operations for Monomial.
> These construct and proof are simple conceptually, but take
> about 150 nonempty lines of the source in the module devoted to
> substructures (sub-semigroup, sub-monoid, etc).
> I do not know: how the term for this  *upCMon-NZ instance is stored in
> the memory.
> In the .agdai file, it may take much size (agdai files are large).
> But this refers to Deserialization, right?
> And symbolic substitutions with this term refer to Serialization.
> Right?
> I do not know how to find:
> which substitution is the most expensive here.
> Intuitively, noone can (probably) be expensive for serialization.
> Because a thing there is unfolded once in the memory, and then many
> references are copied (?).
> But I do not know how Agda performs these substitutions.
> May be,
>            profile.definitions:10
> will help?
> The declaration
>     module NZPack1 = OfCCMonoid-1 (*upCMon-NZ , _∣'?_) *cancel-nz
> leads to substituting of the parts of *upCMon-NZ into the definitions in
> the module  OfCCMonoid-1  which is type-checked in previous .agda files.
> How to measure the cost of any of these substitutions?
> Thanks,
> ------
> Sergei
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