[Agda] proof for insertion to a list

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Wed Feb 15 12:00:39 CET 2017

On Tue, 2017-02-14 at 19:50 +0100, G. Allais wrote:
> Hi Sergei,
> Here's what I understand: `compare e e'` and `compare e' e`
> only show up in the goal's type *after* the values of `compare e e₁`
> and `compare e' e₁` have been uncovered and `add` has been able
> to reduce by one step.
> So here you can't simply compute all the comparisons in parallel:
> you need cascading `with` blocks. The type of each one of these
> block being different from the previous thanks to the computations
> that happened.
> I think that this is the sort of structure you're looking for:
> ==========================================================
> add-comm (a , e) (b , e') ((c , e₁) ∷ mons)
>          with compare e e₁ | compare e' e₁
> ... | tri> _ _ e>e₁ | tri> _ _ e'>e₁
>          with compare e e' | compare e' e
> ... | tri> _ _ e>e' | tri< _ _ _  = {!!}
> add-comm _ _  _ | _             | _           = anything
> ==========================================================
> Now, in that new goal `compare e' e₁` shows up again. So you
> probably want to use inspect [1] to remember its value.
> [..]

Guillaume, thank you for help. 
I shall see. 


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