[Agda] Agda installation for all users

Kenichi Asai asai at is.ocha.ac.jp
Thu Feb 9 14:43:25 CET 2017

I want to install Agda to the computers in my department so that all
students can program in Agda without any setup.  To do so, I will do
(after installing Haskell platform):

cabal update
cabal install cabal-install
cabal install alex
cabal install happy
cabal install cpphs
sudo cabal install --global Agda

(If this is not correct, please let me know.)  Then, I want to install
the standard library.  After I place the standard library to an
appropriate place, for my personal installation, I create .agda
directory in my home directory, and put the following two files there:

	path to standard-library.agda-lib


Do all the students have to do this?  Is there any default place to
put these files so that students do not have to create these files?

Kenichi Asai

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