[Agda] Removing a deducible Size constrain leads to error.

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 18:46:55 CET 2017

If anyone wants to typecheck the code, it is in the 54th commit of
https://github.com/xekoukou/sparrow , in the agda folder.

This is the piece of code that I am trying to change and that creates the

_⊂_ : {i : Size} → {j : Size< ↑ i} → {k : Size< ↑ j} → ∀{pll ll ell rll} →
{ind : IndexLL {i} pll ll} → (elf : LFun {_} {i} {j} {ell} {pll})
→ {{prf : usesInput elf}} → LFun {_} {j} {k} {rll} {(replLL ll ind ell)}
→ LFun {_} {i} {k} {rll} {ll}

Removing "i" from "elf" results into error into a piece of code that uses
the constructor.

_⊂_ : {i : Size} → {j : Size< ↑ i} → {k : Size< ↑ j} → ∀{pll ll ell rll} →
{ind : IndexLL {i} pll ll} → (elf : LFun {_} {_} {j} {ell} {pll})
→ {{prf : usesInput elf}} → LFun {_} {j} {k} {rll} {(replLL ll ind ell)}
→ LFun {_} {i} {k} {rll} {ll}

It seems to me though that the size of pll is deducible from "ind". ind is
annotated to have size i which means that both "pll" and "ll" have size "i".

The error that I see is that it considers the size of "pll" to be "j" and
not "i".
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