[Agda] hints on switching between Agda versions

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Thu Nov 17 22:19:15 CET 2016

On 2016-11-17 21:33, Martin Escardo wrote:
> cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
> regex-posix-0.95.2
> regex-compat-0.95.1
> Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
> What exactly will this break, I wonder.

The libraries listed above might no longer work. I guess they might not
load in GHCi, and if you try to install some library that depends on
them, then you might get some error when building or linking. Perhaps
you could also get problems if these libraries are dynamically linked,
but I think dynamic linking is turned off by default.


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