[Agda] Reflection: blockOnMeta after commitTC can cause a type error

Martin Stone Davis martin.stone.davis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 05:33:11 CEST 2016

|`inferFunRange` is failing in the code below, where I expected Agda to 
report "inferFunRange succeeded (x : A) → F x → Set". I traced the cause 
back to the call to `blockOnMeta! x`, which runs `commitTC >> 
blockOnMeta x`. This looks like a bug to me but I don't know enough 
about Agda to say for sure. Would someone please explain why this is 

open import Prelude
open import Tactic.Reflection

   test-inferFunRange : Tactic
   test-inferFunRange hole = do
     goal ← inferFunRange hole -|
     typeError ( strErr "inferFunRange succeeded" ∷ termErr goal ∷ [] )

bar : Nat
bar = 0

record R (A : Set) : Set₁ where
     F : A → Set

   foo : (x : A) → F x → Set
   foo = case bar of (λ _ → test-inferFunRange {!!})
   {- Error:
        A → Set !=< Set of type Set₁
        when checking that the expression F has type Set

P.s. With apologies, this is crossposted here 
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