[Agda] list for termination counter
Sergei Meshveliani
mechvel at botik.ru
Mon Aug 22 14:48:25 CEST 2016
Can somebody explain, please,
what may be a simple way to prove termination in the following example?
open import Function using (case_of_)
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary using (DecTotalOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE using(_≡_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; decTotalOrder)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder using (_≤?_)
record R : Set where
constructor r
field members : List ℕ
add : Op₂ R
add (r []) g = g
add f (r []) = f
add (r (m ∷ ms)) (r (n ∷ ns)) =
m ≤? n
of \
{ (yes _) → let (r hMems) = add (r (m ∷ ms)) (r ns)
in r (n ∷ hMems)
; (no _) → let (r hMems) = add (r ms) (r (n ∷ ns))
in r (m ∷ hMems)
This is something similar to merging of ordered lists.
Agda does not see termination. I think, this is due to that the lists
are kept under the constructor r.
So, I extract the two lists and use them as counters for termination:
add f g = aux f g (R.members f) (R.members g) PE.refl PE.refl
aux : (f g : R) → (ms ns : List ℕ) → ms ≡ R.members f →
ns ≡ R.members g → R
aux (r .[]) g [] _ PE.refl _ = g
aux f (r .[]) _ [] _ PE.refl = f
aux (r .(m ∷ ms)) (r .(n ∷ ns)) (m ∷ ms) (n ∷ ns) PE.refl PE.refl =
m ≤? n
of \
{ (yes _) → let (r hMems) = aux (r (m ∷ ms)) (r ns) (m ∷ ms) ns
PE.refl PE.refl
in r (n ∷ hMems)
; (no _) → let (r hMems) = aux (r ms) (r (n ∷ ns)) ms (n ∷ ns)
PE.refl PE.refl
in r (m ∷ hMems)
The 'yes' pattern calls aux with ns -- which list expression is
syntactically smaller than n ∷ ns.
The 'no' pattern calls aux with ms -- which list expression is
syntactically smaller than m ∷ ms.
But Agda still reports : "Termination checking failed".
How to fix?
What is a simple way to prove termination in this example?
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