[Agda] Not Unfolding Local Defs

Harley Eades III harley.eades at gmail.com
Tue May 10 19:26:03 CEST 2016

Hi, everyone.

I am using a ton of records in my formalization, and at the top of
each module I give several convince definitions for the projections
of my records to make types easier to read.

For example, see the top of this file:


A typical example is the following:

_≤M_ : M → M → Set
_≤M_ = (rel (poset (oncMonoid bp-pf)))

This definition makes reading types a lot easier, but this definition is unfolded
in goals, which makes the goal very hard to read.  Multiply this with a number 
of definitions like this, and we get goals that are close to impossible to read.

So I spend a lot of time trying to parse a goal myself to be able to do the proof.

Is there a way to tell Agda not to unfold these definitions in goals?


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