[Agda] Komencanta demando.

Andreas Abel abela at chalmers.se
Thu Apr 7 13:53:26 CEST 2016

Because the zero'' in that clause is a variable, not the zero'' you 
defined above.  If you want to match against the defined zero'', you 
have to turn it into a pattern synonym.

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product

Ω = ℕ × ℕ

pattern zero″ = (zero , zero)

suc″ : Ω → Ω
suc″ (zero , y) = suc y , zero
suc″ (suc x , y) = x , suc y

data ⟨_⟩ : Ω → Set where
   Ω-zero : ⟨ zero″ ⟩
   Ω-next : ∀ {ω} →  ⟨ ω ⟩ → ⟨ suc″ ω ⟩

ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ : ∀ {ω} → ℕ → ⟨ ω ⟩
ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ {zero″} zero = Ω-zero
ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ (suc n) = Ω-next (ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ n)

But then you get a different error (incomplete pattern matching), which 
is not surprising.


On 07.04.2016 13:25, Serge Leblanc wrote:
> Estimata al ĉiu
> Dear all
> Kial tipa kontrolado tie malakceptas la 'zero = proj₁ zero″' egalecon ?
> Why type checking here rejects the 'zero = proj₁ zero″' equality?
> module Check where
> open import Data.Nat
> open import Data.Product
> Ω = ℕ × ℕ
> zero″ : Ω
> zero″ = (zero , zero)
> suc″ : Ω → Ω
> suc″ (zero , y) = suc y , zero
> suc″ (suc x , y) = x , suc y
> data ⟨_⟩ : Ω → Set where
>    Ω-zero : ⟨ zero″ ⟩
>    Ω-next : ∀ {ω} →  ⟨ ω ⟩ → ⟨ suc″ ω ⟩
> ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ : ∀ {ω} → ℕ → ⟨ ω ⟩
> ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ {zero″} zero = Ω-zero
> ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ (suc n) = Ω-next (ℕ⇨⟨Ω⟩ n)
> /home/serge/agda/Check.agda:34,22-28
> zero != proj₁ zero″ of type ℕ
> when checking that the expression Ω-zero has type ⟨ zero″ ⟩
> Sinceran dankon pro via venonta helpo.
> Sincere thanks for your incoming help.
> --
> Serge Leblanc
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Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden

andreas.abel at gu.se

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