[Agda] beamer + latex mode + font sizes

Jacques Carette carette at mcmaster.ca
Mon Apr 4 18:30:01 CEST 2016

I am trying to control the font size of agda code block in .lagda files 
in a beamer presentation, and not succeeding.

I have tried:
1. using

2. changing the lines
% \newcommand{\AgdaCodeStyle}{\tiny}
% \newcommand{\AgdaCodeStyle}{}
in agda.sty

And neither seem to have had any effect.  Oddly, I have been able to 
change \mathindent successfully to have less indent.

I use
agda --allow-unsolved-metas --latex -i . -i $(AGDALIB) -i $(CATLIB) 
pdflatex latex/slides.tex
which otherwise works like a charm, except for this.

What am I missing?


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