[Agda] Slow type-checking of records

Andreas Nuyts andreas.nuyts at cs.kuleuven.be
Tue Mar 8 13:01:58 CET 2016


You can find the output of the options you give, here: 
The big (but not huge? Memory usage goes up to about 8GiB of RAM and 
8GiB of swap) term you see is just the single object defined in the 
file. I don't really know how to interpret the rest.

Using copatterns does the job.

I suspected something like what Andrea says, but again, I don't think 
any terms should become GiB-huge. But maybe time & memory usage of 
creating these graphs depends in a very unfavorable way on the size of 
the term?

Thanks for the help!


On 08-03-16 10:56, Nils Anders Danielsson wrote:
> On 2016-03-07 16:50, Andreas Nuyts wrote:
>> Oddly, disabling the positivity check doesn't solve the problem.
> Agda keeps track of how different arguments are used. This analysis is
> run even if the positivity checker is turned off. The analysis can be
> quite expensive.
> I tried using the -v machinery to see what happens in your case, but I
> have trouble type-checking the slow version of your file on my machine.
> If you add
>   {-# OPTIONS -vtc.pos.tick:100 -vtc.pos.graph:100 -vtc.pos.check:100
>               -vtc.pos.record:100 -vtc.pos.args:100 -vtc.pos:25 #-}
> to the top of the file, then you can perhaps get some information about
> what is going on.
>> I have the impression that this behaviour has to do with the fact that
>> the objects fwd and bck are themselves records (of the natural
>> transformation type _nt→_). Is this normal behaviour or should I file
>> a bug?
> Andrea Vezzosi once wrote that "I guess the lambda gets always
> beta-reduced in the type of the remaining fields, while a defined
> function will not be unfolded as much":
>   [Agda] agda slow
>   Andrea Vezzosi
>   Wed Jun 3 22:04:04 CEST 2015
>   https://lists.chalmers.se/pipermail/agda/2015/007867.html
> If this is the case, then the problem could be that the analysis
> mentioned above gets huge terms to process.

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