[Agda] "Hiding of record parameters leads ..."

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Fri Mar 4 18:35:02 CET 2016


This is on the bug fix for  
"Hiding of record parameters leads to hiding mismatch in
checkInternal" (#1759).

The effect for my DoCon-A application is that I need to write
    module MgIsoPair = MagmaIsomorphismPair {upMagma = upMagma}
                                            {upMagma' = upMagma'}
instead of
    module MgIsoPair = MagmaIsomorphismPair upMagma upMagma' 

for  record MagmaIsomorphismPair : Set _ where ...

defined in
   module _ {α α= β β=} (upMagma : UpMagma α α=) 
                        (upMagma' : UpMagma β β=)  where

There are the two similar places in the current program, where one needs
to write   {foo = <foo-inst>}  instead of  <foo-inst>.

Probably, fixing the bug costs this minor complication.



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