[Agda] Running the TC monad
Yorick Sijsling
yoricksijsling at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 17:26:56 CET 2016
Hi everyone,
I'm experimenting with the new reflection stuff in 2.5.1. These changes are
quite exciting!
I noticed that all the unquoting operations
(unquote/unquoteDecl/unquoteDef) take a TC ⊤, making it hard to return
results of a computation in this monad. Let's say we want to count the
number of constructors of a datatype:
open import Prelude
open import Builtin.Reflection
data Foo : Set where
foo1 : Foo
foo2 : Foo
countConstructors : Name → TC Nat
countConstructors dt = length <$> getConstructors dt
Now i believe in an ideal situation one would have a way to run this
computation and return the result:
-- test-countConstructors : runquote (countConstructors (quote Foo)) ≡ 2
-- test-countConstructors = refl
As it turns out, it is possible to abuse the unify function to return
arbitrary results by quoting them to a Term first. So we can define a
function which takes a TC A and gives us a tactic which puts the value in
the hole:
runTC : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → TC A → Tactic
runTC c hole =
do v ← c
=| `v ← quoteTC v
=| unify hole `v
test-countConstructors : unquote (runTC (countConstructors (quote Foo))) ≡ 2
test-countConstructors = refl
This is usable, but the notation is awkward. I used the new macro
functionality to clean it up:
countConstructors′ : Name → Tactic
countConstructors′ dt = runTC (countConstructors dt)
test-countConstructors′ : countConstructors′ Foo ≡ 2
test-countConstructors′ = refl
All of this took quite a while for me to figure out, so i thought it was
worth sharing. But i also think this is a complicated solution to something
which should be quite simple. Is this the right way to do it or am i
missing something here?
Would it maybe make sense to have runTC as a built-in, and extend the
macro's to allow result types of something else than TC ⊤ in which case
runTC is used? I imagine something like this would be possible:
-- macro
-- countConstructors : Name → TC Nat
-- countConstructors dt = length <$> getConstructors dt
-- test-countConstructors : countConstructors Foo ≡ 2
-- test-countConstructors = refl
I would like to hear your opinions on this,
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