[Agda] Type-checker evaluator performance

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Wed Feb 3 17:40:02 CET 2016

On 2016-02-02 08:31, Jon Sterling wrote:
> I hope this isn't off-topic, but what's the state of the art for this?
> Krivine machines?

I don't know, I know very little about this topic.

Randy Pollack once informed me that LEGO uses the U-machine (due to
Pierre Lescanne) for strong reduction:

   λν, a calculus of explicit substitutions which preserves strong
   Zine-El-Abidine Benaissa, Daniel Briaud, Pierre Lescanne and Jocelyne

He also mentioned a machine due to Pierre Crégut:

   An abstract machine for Lambda-terms normalization
   Pierre Crégut

An extended version of the paper above:

   Strongly reducing variants of the Krivine abstract machine
   Pierre Crégut

Is this the kind of thing you have in mind? Or maybe the following

   A Compiled Implementation of Strong Reduction
   Benjamin Grégoire and Xavier Leroy


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