[Agda] Type-checker evaluator performance

Liam O'Connor liamoc at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Feb 1 09:46:58 CET 2016

Hi all,

I’m currently using the development version of Agda, and I’ve been working on using the evaluation in type checking to embed proof search procedures inside Agda.


Now, one of the applications of this technique is a model checker for a fragment of CTL on the guarded command language (*).

Here is an example, where I use the model checker to verify peterson’s synchronisation algorithm.


Before I cleaned this code up and put it on GitHub, it was all in one file. I can affirm that I was able to type check the code then. Today, after splitting it into multiple files, and cleaning it up a little bit, I found that Agda would just get OOM killed before finishing, and it would take at least 10 minutes before getting OOM-killed, using all 8GB of my RAM and 4GB of my swap.

Going back to the original, single-file version, it now also fails to finish checking and gets OOM-killed, so perhaps the multiple-files thing isn’t causing the issue.

(Perhaps I just used a bit of disk space and now it’s running out of swap).

Anyway, I’ll try this on a machine with more memory (RAM and swap) later, but is there any plan to improve performance (both in time and space) of the type-checker evaluator? I appreciate that what I’m trying to do is not something which it was designed to handle, but it _was working_ at some point.

BTW, it seems to make no difference whether I use sharing or not, but when I got it to successfully check yesterday it was using sharing.

(*) If you’ve seen the paper I wrote on this, note that the model checker is substantially different now.

(*) Also note that originally the definition for petersons-search read:

   = search $
       and′ mutex? (and′ sf? termination?)
       (model petersons initialState)

but I gave it a fixed depth of 25 just to stop it doing any unnecessary searching.


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