[Agda] effect of skipping `module'

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Sat Jan 30 19:33:48 CET 2016

I discover that the following is not type-checked by

  > agda $agdaLibOpt TT.agda

------------------------------------------------------------- TT.agda
open import Data.Nat  using (ℕ; suc)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)

module _ {α} {A : Set α}
    data Null : List A → Set α  where  isNull : Null []

f : (xs : List ℕ) → Null xs → ℕ
f _ _ = 0

It reports 

"Set != (Set α)
 when checking that the expression xs has type List A
for the signature of  f.

And after adding the header
                            module TT where
it is type-checked.

This is Development Agda of January 19, 2016,  ghc-7.10.2.
Is this a bug?



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