[Agda] [agda2] how to programming the basic

mechvel at scico.botik.ru mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Fri Jan 22 18:03:26 CET 2016

Mandy Martino писал 22.01.2016 12:48:
> Hi ,
> when i am thinking new axiom to replace trans in Equality.agda
> ((a→b) ≡ b)→((a ≡ a) ≡ c)
> do not understand how can this replace equal, feel difficult to read
> standard library
> then i start
> http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf [1]
> do not know why it do not print "it is true"
> open import Prelude
> data Bool : Set where
>  true : Bool
>  false : Bool
> [..]
> if_then_else_ : (A : Set) -> Bool -> A -> A -> A
> if true then x else y = x
> if false then x else y = y
> main =
>  if true then putStrLn "it is true" else putStrLn "it is else case"
>  putStrLn "Hello World"

1) if_then_else_  declares 4 arguments, and you call it giving it 3 

2) For this `main' call, one must find and set the type of the data
    (putStrLn "it is true").

To avoid these complication, one can program, for example, this:

   if_then_else_ : {A : Set} → Bool → A → A → A
   if true  then x else y = x
   if false then x else y = y

Here the first argument is declared as implicit, with using `{}'.

   str : String
   str = if true then "it is true" else "it is else case"

   main = putStrLn (toCostring str)



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