[Agda] how to run helloworld in agda

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Tue Dec 8 18:06:16 CET 2015

On Tue, 2015-12-08 at 16:10 +0800, Mandy Martino wrote:
> The interactive mode is no longer supported. Don't complain if it
> doesn't work.
> Main> :l ag.agda
> Checking ag (/home/martin/adga2/ag.agda).
> /home/martin/adga2/ag.agda:3,13-25
> Failed to find source of module IO.Primitive in any of the
> following locations:
> /home/martin/adga2/IO/Primitive.agda
> /home/martin/adga2/IO/Primitive.lagda
> /home/martin/.cabal/share/i386-linux-ghc-7.10.1/Agda-
> /home/martin/.cabal/share/i386-linux-ghc-7.10.1/Agda-
> when scope checking the declaration
> open import IO.Primitive using (IO; putStrLn)
> Failed.
> Main>
> module ag where
> open import IO.Primitive using (IO; putStrLn)
> open import Data.String using (toCostring; String)
> open import Foreign.Haskell using (Unit)
> main : IO Unit
> main = putStrLn (toCostring "Hello, Agda!")

I remove  "module ag where"  (because this module has `main' in it),
and apply

    agda -c $agdaLibOpt Hello.agda

where  $agdaLibOpt  contains the path to the  /src  directory of
Standard library.
This makes the executable file  Hello.
Then, the command  

"Hello, Agda!"

> why use open import, but not import

After  "import Foo",

one can write  Foo.foo,  if  foo  is defined in  Foo  module.
  import Foo
  open Foo using (foo) 

one can write `foo' in the scope.
And the line

  open import Foo using (foo)

combines the above lines of `import' and `open'.



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