[Agda] trouble with let and where

Thorsten Altenkirch Thorsten.Altenkirch at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Nov 30 16:01:50 CET 2015

Maybe the real question is: how can we reduce let and where to the same thing? Since it seems that where is more general that means can we reduce let to where?

I guess the problem is that where is only applicable at top level while we can use let inside a term,

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> On 30 Nov 2015, at 13:26, Andreas Abel <abela at chalmers.se> wrote:
> Hi Peter & folks,
> the reason that `let` and `where` are so different is that they have an entirely different semantics in Agda.
> * `let` is a term constructor which is nothing more than a (possibly type annotated) substitution;
>    let x = e in e'
>  behaves like e'[e/x].
>  Irrefutable pattern matches are translated to projections:
>    let (x , y) = e in e'
>  is nothing but
>    let x = fst e
>        y = snd e
>    in e'
> * `where` takes a bunch of declarations and attaches them to the lhs of a declaration.  (Internally, each `where` creates an anonymous module.)
>  Like for top-level declarations, the definitions can be grouped such that each group defines a single new symbol by (co)pattern matching. This symbol must have a type signature if the definition is anything more complicated than an alias.
>   x = e
>  In contrast to `let`, which is just a substitution, `where` actually introduces new names that are associated with a bunch of reductions.
> To implement your suggestion,
>  where
>    (x , y) = e
> we could do similar as for `let` and interpret this as
>  where
>    x,y = e    -- x,y is a private identifier for sharing e's evaluation
>    x   = fst x,y
>    y   = snd x,y
> This is not the whole story though.  There is also
>  let open M args in e
> which creates an anonymous module and brings its contents into scope in e.  In the light of this, I do not see a principal problem to also allow definitions by pattern matching like
>  let f : ...
>      f ps = body
>  in  e'
> in lets.  They could also create an anonymous module which contains the definition of f to be used in e'.
> Maybe 'let' was never systematically developed to include as much features as possible...
> Cheers,
> Andreas
>> On 26.11.2015 14:44, Peter Selinger wrote:
>> Hi Jesper,
>> thanks for your explanation, but I don't think your point is
>> valid. Agda does permit and understand all of the following:
>>   record And (x y : Set) : Set where
>>     constructor pair
>>     field
>>       fst : x
>>       snd : y
>>   open And
>>   postulate
>>     A B C : Set
>>     lemma1 : And A B
>>     lemma2 : A -> B -> C
>>   something : C
>>   something =
>>     let
>>       pair x y = lemma1
>>       func z w = lemma2 z w
>>     in
>>       func x y
>> This shows that Agda has no trouble distinguishing between the
>> left-hand side "pair x y", which is a constructor applied to two
>> arguments x and y (and therefore defines x y), and the left-hand side
>> "func z w", which is a non-constructor applied to z and w (and
>> therefore defines func).  In fact, even the syntax highlighter gets
>> this distinction, and contrary to what you wrote, there is no
>> ambiguity.
>> The problem is not with infix notation either. The following, why
>> strange looking, is understood perfectly well by Agda:
>>   record And (x y : Set) : Set where
>>     constructor _,_
>>     field
>>       fst' : x
>>       snd' : y
>>   open And
>>   postulate
>>     A B C : Set
>>     lemma1 : And A B
>>     lemma2 : A -> B -> C
>>   something : C
>>   something =
>>     let
>>       (x , y) = lemma1
>>       (z ,' w) = lemma2 ,' w
>>     in
>>       z x y
>> Here, the left-hand side "(x , y)" is correctly understood as the
>> constructor _,_ applied to two arguments x and y, and the left-hand
>> side "(z ,' w)" is correctly understood as the non-constructor z
>> applied to two arguments ,' and w.
>> So I think what you wrote is not correct: the problem is not one of
>> syntactic ambiguity. If Agda has no difficult parsing "pair x y" and
>> "func x y" on the left-hand side of a let-definition, then there is no
>> *syntactic* difficulty with parsing them on the left-hand side of a
>> where-definition either. It then seems rather arbitrary that it is not
>> allowed.
>> I therefore renew my request that
>> where
>>   (x , y) = lemma1
>> should be permitted! -- Peter
>> Jesper Cockx wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> In my understanding, the difference between 'let' and 'where' is that the
>>> first defines expressions while the second one contains function
>>> definitions. This means that allowing "(x , y)" in the left-hand side of
>>> something in a where block would be ambiguous: it could mean that you're
>>> defining two values x and y as the first and second projections of the RHS
>>> (as you want), OR it could mean that you're defining a new function called
>>> x with two arguments called "," and "y" respectively. I know this second
>>> interpretation seems completely absurd, but Agda has no way to know that.
>>> This is also why you get the error message "missing type signature for the
>>> left-hand side": Agda expects you to give a type signature for this
>>> function "x" it thinks you are defining.
>>> The other problem you have (where blocks are not allowed in a let
>>> expression) seems like something that we could allow, but no-one
>>> implemented yet. There could be some implementation issues with finding the
>>> right context for the where-block, though.
>>> cheers,
>>> Jesper
>>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 3:57 AM, Peter Selinger <selinger at mathstat.dal.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Agda list,
>>>> my question/comment is about Agda's syntax. One thing that regularly
>>>> confounds me is that there are certain places where I am forced to use
>>>> "let" and other places where I am forced to use "where". Sometimes
>>>> they are the same places, so that I can't use anything and have to
>>>> work around it in some ugly way, like with explicit lambda
>>>> abstractions or awkward parenthesized nested let expressions.
>>>> Some examples follow.
>>>> My questions are: (1) is there some syntactic trick that I am not
>>>> aware of, which would actually let me write the code as I want to
>>>> write it? (2) If not, could I please request for Agda's syntax to be
>>>> rationalized so that every declaration that can be used with "let"
>>>> can also be used with "where", and vice versa?
>>>> Agda version
>>>> First, an example of something that works with "let" but not "where":
>>>> This works:
>>>>   example =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>     in
>>>>       bla-bla-bla
>>>> This does not work:
>>>>   example =3D bla-bla-bla
>>>>     where
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>   -- ERROR: Missing type signature for left hand side (ih1 , ih2)
>>>> The error message indicates that the type signature is
>>>> missing. However, if we try to add it:
>>>>   example =3D bla-bla-bla
>>>>     where
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) : some-type =E2=88=A7 some-other-type
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>   -- ERROR: Illegal name in type signature: (ih1 , ih2)
>>>>   example =3D bla-bla-bla
>>>>     where
>>>>       ih1 : some-type
>>>>       ih2 : some-other-type
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>   -- ERROR: More than one matching type signature for left hand side
>>>> As a matter of fact, adding a type signature in this situation is not
>>>> possible with "let" either; the error message are the same if I try:
>>>>   example =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) : some-type =E2=88=A7 some-other-type
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>     in
>>>>       bla-bla-bla
>>>>   -- ERROR: Illegal name in type signature: (ih1 , ih2)
>>>>   example =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       ih1 : some-type
>>>>       ih2 : some-other-type
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>>     in
>>>>       bla-bla-bla
>>>>   -- ERROR: More than one matching type signature for left hand side
>>>> Is there some trick that I am not aware of for how one can supply a
>>>> type signature when the left-hand side of a declaration uses a
>>>> constructor? Please note that I am aware of the solution
>>>>   example =3D bla-bla-bla
>>>>     where
>>>>       ih1 : some-type
>>>>       ih1 =3D fst lemma
>>>>       ih2 : some-other-type
>>>>       ih2 =3D snd lemma
>>>> but it is what I would consider an ugly workaround. I am also aware
>>>> that let-bindings of the form "let (x , y) =3D blah" only work with
>>>> record types, i.e., types that have a unique constructor (there is no
>>>> pattern-matching "let" as far as I am aware); however, it is not clear
>>>> to me why the same restriction could not be applied to a "where".
>>>> Next, an example of something that works with "where" but not with
>>>> "let":
>>>> This works:
>>>>   example =3D bla-bla-bla
>>>>     where
>>>>       g : A -> B
>>>>       g a =3D some-term h a
>>>>         where
>>>>           h : C -> D
>>>>           h c =3D some-other-term
>>>> In other words, you can attach a "where" to a local function
>>>> definition that appears in another where-clause.
>>>> However, this does not work:
>>>>   example x =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       g : A -> B
>>>>       g a =3D some-term h a
>>>>         where
>>>>           h : C -> D
>>>>           h c =3D some-other-term
>>>>     in
>>>>       bla-bla-bla
>>>>   -- ERROR: Not a valid let-declaration
>>>> So it is apparently not possible to add a local where-clause to a
>>>> function definition, if the definition happens to be part of a
>>>> let-construct rather than a where-construct. I cannot think of any
>>>> reason why this should be so.
>>>> Finally, here is a concrete example of a proof one might reasonably
>>>> want to write, where neither "let" nor "where" nor any combination
>>>> thereof seems to do exactly the right thing.
>>>> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -- Start of code
>>>> -- Pairs.
>>>> record _=E2=88=A7_ (x y : Set) : Set where
>>>>   constructor _,_
>>>>   field
>>>>     fst : x
>>>>     snd : y
>>>> open _=E2=88=A7_
>>>> -- Some inductive type.
>>>> data A : Set where
>>>>   c1 : A
>>>>   c2 : A -> A
>>>> -- Some postulates to keep the example small.
>>>> postulate
>>>>   Property1 : A -> Set
>>>>   base-case1 : Property1 c1
>>>>   induction-step1 : =E2=88=80 x -> Property1 x -> Property1 (c2 x)
>>>>   B C : Set
>>>>   some-function : C -> B
>>>>   Property2 : A -> B -> Set
>>>>   base-case2 : =E2=88=80 y -> Property2 c1 y
>>>>   induction-step2 : =E2=88=80 x y -> (=E2=88=80 c =E2=86=92 Property2 x (=
>>> some-function c)) ->
>>>> Property2 (c2 x) y
>>>> module Attempt1 where
>>>>   -- I believe that this code is very reasonable. We prove multiple
>>>>   -- properties by induction. It makes sense to first state the
>>>>   -- multiple induction hypotheses, then derive various consequences,
>>>>   -- including the induction claims. However, this code does not
>>>>   -- type-check or even parse.
>>>>   lemma : =E2=88=80 x -> Property1 x =E2=88=A7 (=E2=88=80 y -> Property2 =
>>> x y)
>>>>   lemma c1 =3D (base-case1 , base-case2)
>>>>   lemma (c2 x) =3D (claim1 , claim2)
>>>>     where
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma x
>>>>       claim1 : Property1 (c2 x)
>>>>       claim1 =3D induction-step1 x ih1
>>>>       claim2 : =E2=88=80 y -> Property2 (c2 x) y
>>>>       claim2 y =3D induction-step2 x y f
>>>>         where
>>>>           f : =E2=88=80 c -> Property2 x (some-function c)
>>>>           f c =3D ih2 (some-function c)
>>>>   -- ERROR: Missing type signature for left hand side (ih1 , ih2)
>>>> module Attempt2 where
>>>>   -- Fine. I'll change the "where" to a "let", although it is less
>>>>   -- readable. However, this still does not parse; this time because
>>>>   -- the local "where" clause in claim2 is rejected.
>>>>   lemma : =E2=88=80 x -> Property1 x =E2=88=A7 (=E2=88=80 y -> Property2 =
>>> x y)
>>>>   lemma c1 =3D (base-case1 , base-case2)
>>>>   lemma (c2 x) =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma x
>>>>       claim1 : Property1 (c2 x)
>>>>       claim1 =3D induction-step1 x ih1
>>>>       claim2 : =E2=88=80 y -> Property2 (c2 x) y
>>>>       claim2 y =3D induction-step2 x y f
>>>>         where
>>>>           f c =3D ih2 (some-function c)
>>>>     in
>>>>       (claim1 , claim2)
>>>>   -- ERROR: Not a valid let-declaration
>>>> module Attempt3 where
>>>>   -- Finally, I am stuck with having to convert the inferior clause of
>>>>      claim2 to a "let" as well. This makes the whole thing even less
>>>>      elegant. Moreover, this would not work at all if the function f
>>>>      were recursive, or if either of claim1 or claim2 where recursive
>>>>      (because "let" bindings cannot be used for recursive functions).
>>>>   lemma : =E2=88=80 x -> Property1 x =E2=88=A7 (=E2=88=80 y -> Property2 =
>>> x y)
>>>>   lemma c1 =3D (base-case1 , base-case2)
>>>>   lemma (c2 x) =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma x
>>>>       claim1 : Property1 (c2 x)
>>>>       claim1 =3D induction-step1 x ih1
>>>>       claim2 : =E2=88=80 y -> Property2 (c2 x) y
>>>>       claim2 y =3D
>>>>         let
>>>>           f c =3D ih2 (some-function c)
>>>>         in
>>>>           induction-step2 x y f
>>>>     in
>>>>       (claim1 , claim2)
>>>> -- End of code
>>>> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> In general, I do not like the use of "let" in situations like this,
>>>> because if either claim1 or claim2 of f happens to need a recursive
>>>> definition, the "let" will not allow it. So if you need both
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma x
>>>> and a recursive function
>>>>       claim x =3D something-recursive
>>>> in the same proof, there is basically no syntax that will work, or is
>>>> there? It doesn't seem possible to combine "let" and "where" either,
>>>> as in
>>>>   example =3D
>>>>     let
>>>>       something =3D lemma
>>>>     in
>>>>       something-else
>>>>         where
>>>>           claim =3D some-proof
>>>> Why is this so messy? In my opinion, the simplest solution would be to
>>>> allow things like
>>>>   ...
>>>>     where
>>>>       (ih1 , ih2) =3D lemma
>>>> Is there some compelling reason why it is not allowed?
>>>> Thanks, -- Peter
> -- 
> Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
> Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden
> andreas.abel at gu.se
> http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~abel/
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