[Agda] Releasing app with bundled Agda

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Mon Nov 9 09:39:18 CET 2015

On 2015-11-07 13:26, Marko Koležnik wrote:
> In conclusion: Is there reasonable way for me to include executable
> Agda at all?

For every transitive Agda dependency (either a package on Hackage, or
some other library that the Haskell code depends on, like zlib):

1. Read its license.

2. Do what the license text states. I suspect that in many (all?) cases
    all you need to do is to include a verbatim copy of the copyright
    statement and license text in the binary's license. For an example of
    how this can be done, see Firefox's about:license.


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