[Agda] Understanding Agda error messages

Martin Stone Davis martin.stone.davis at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 08:54:56 CET 2015

The following can also be found at http://lpaste.net/144919.

{- In the below, I define an OrderedList and attempt to prove a lemma: that
if every element in such a list is also in the empty list, then the list in
question must be the empty list. I don't succeed, but I do come up with a
number of QUESTIONs and COMPLAINTs. I hope my story will help inspire
someone to write-up a comprehensive explanation of error messages in Agda.
Or (better) to modify Agda so that error messages don't require so much
explanation! :) I suspect that Issue 771 [
https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/771] might pertain to some of my
complaints. -}

open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl)

module Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda
  {𝑼⟨Key⟩ 𝑼⟨Value⟩ 𝑼⟨<⟩}
  {Key : Set 𝑼⟨Key⟩} (Value : Key → Set 𝑼⟨Value⟩)
  {_<_ : Rel Key 𝑼⟨<⟩}
  (isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_)

open import Data.Unit using (⊤)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Level using (_⊔_; Lift)

data Key⁺ : Set 𝑼⟨Key⟩ where
  ⊥⁺ ⊤⁺ : Key⁺
  [_]   : (k : Key) → Key⁺

infix 4 _<⁺_

_<⁺_ : Key⁺ → Key⁺ → Set 𝑼⟨<⟩
⊥⁺    <⁺ [ _ ] = Lift ⊤
⊥⁺    <⁺ ⊤⁺    = Lift ⊤
[ x ] <⁺ [ y ] = x < y
[ _ ] <⁺ ⊤⁺    = Lift ⊤
_     <⁺ _     = Lift ⊥

infixr 6 _∷_
data OrderedList (l u : Key⁺) : Set (𝑼⟨Key⟩ ⊔ 𝑼⟨<⟩) where
  [] : {{l<u : l <⁺ u}} → OrderedList l u
  _∷_ : ∀
         (k : Key)
         {{_ : l <⁺ [ k ]}}
         (ku : OrderedList [ k ] u) →
         OrderedList l u

data _∈_ {l u} (k : Key) : OrderedList l u → Set (𝑼⟨<⟩ ⊔ 𝑼⟨Key⟩) where
  here : ∀ {ks : OrderedList [ k ] u} {{p : l <⁺ [ k ] }} → k ∈ (k ∷ ks)
  succ : ∀ {k' : Key} {ks : OrderedList [ k' ] u} {{p : l <⁺ [ k' ] }} → k
∈ ks → k ∈ (k' ∷ ks)

{- The first of three attempts at the lemma. -}
lem1 : ∀ {l u} (y : OrderedList l u) (l<u : l <⁺ u) → (x : ∀ (k : Key) → (k
∈ y → _∈_ k [])) → [] ≡ y
The yellow highlights in the above type specification are associated with
error messages like this:

  _l_70 : Key⁺  [ at Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda.agda:41,83-86 ]
  _u_71 : Key⁺  [ at Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda.agda:41,83-86 ]
  _l<u_72 : _l_70 Value isStrictTotalOrder y l<u k <⁺
  _u_71 Value isStrictTotalOrder y l<u k  [ at
Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda.agda:41,89-91 ]

QUESTION: What exactly do these errors mean?
lem1 {l} {u} [] l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!!}
lem1 (k ∷ y) l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!!}

Moving on, in lem2, I avoid the errors mentioned in lem1 by adding a
specification of just one of the implicit arguments, {l}. Somehow this
works to remove the yellow highlighting, but I'm not clear on why.
lem2 : ∀ {l u} (y : OrderedList l u) (l<u : l <⁺ u) → (x : ∀ (k : Key) → (k
∈ y → _∈_ {l} k [])) → [] ≡ y
lem2 {l} {u} [] l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!refl!}
Executing C-c C-. on the hole shows:

  Goal: [] ≡ []
  Have: _x_106 Value isStrictTotalOrder l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] ≡
        _x_106 Value isStrictTotalOrder l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[]
           : (k : Key) → k ∈ [] → k ∈ []
  l<u      : l <⁺ u
  .l<u     : l <⁺ u
  u        : Key⁺
  l        : Key⁺
           : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_
  _<_      : Rel Key 𝑼⟨<⟩
  Value    : Key → Set 𝑼⟨Value⟩
  Key      : Set 𝑼⟨Key⟩
  𝑼⟨<⟩     : Level.Level
  𝑼⟨Value⟩ : Level.Level
  𝑼⟨Key⟩   : Level.Level

I'm unable to refine by typing C-c C-r, but I have no explanation (yet) for
why it won't refine. Agda simply says "cannot refine". QUESTION: Should I
be able to tell why it won't refine given the information above?

Here's the error message if I (by brute force) replace the hole with refl:

  l<u != .l<u of type l <⁺ u
  when checking that the expression refl has type [] ≡ []

It looks to me like Agda has now given me some more clues as to why it had
refused to refine. COMPLAINT: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't
(shouldn't?) Agda have divulged this business about l<u when I hit C-c C-. ?

It turns out that .l<u is an implicit argument to the first explicit
argument ([] or y). COMPLAINT: It isn't always obvious where dotted
variables are coming from, so I wish Agda would tell me this. It may be
asking too much to have a semi-automated way of bringing these hidden
variables into scope. I'm just saying that there needs to be more clues
given as to how the programmer might bring the given variable into scope.

Furthermore, I'm confused about the meaning of this error message. It
sounds like Agda is saying that, while l<u and .l<u are both of the same
type, they aren't (somehow) "the same". Okay, but so what? Why should that
have something to do with checking that refl has type [] ≡ [] ? QUESTION:
How am I to interpret the error message?
lem2 (k ∷ y) l<u ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!!}

{- I'm still not ready to give up the fight. Inspired by the meager clue in
the previous error message, I come up with a reformulatation the lemma. As
it turns out, I need to define a function that gives a proof of the bounds
for an OrderedList. -}

-- This one fails comically.
l<⁺u' : ∀ {l u} (y : OrderedList l u) → l <⁺ u
l<⁺u' [] = {!!} -- COMPLAINT: C-c C-a yields the syntactically incorrect
l<⁺u' (k ∷ y) = {!!}

l<⁺u : ∀ {l u} (y : OrderedList l u) → l <⁺ u
l<⁺u ([] {{l<u}}) = l<u
l<⁺u (_∷_ k {{l<⁺[k]}} y) = {!!} -- exercise for the reader

trans⁺ : ∀ l {m u} → l <⁺ m → m <⁺ u → l <⁺ u
trans⁺ = {!!} -- exercise for the reader

{- Here's my last try at the lemma. -}
lem3 : ∀ {l u} (y : OrderedList l u) → (x : ∀ (k : Key) (l' u' : Key⁺)
(l'<u' : l' <⁺ u') → (k ∈ y → _∈_ {l'} {u'} k ([] {{l'<u'}}))) → [] {{l<⁺u
y}} ≡ y
lem3 {l} {u} ([] {{l<u}}) ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!refl!}
Here's the result of C-c C-. this time:

  Goal: [] ≡ []
  Have: _x_150 Value isStrictTotalOrder ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] ≡
        _x_150 Value isStrictTotalOrder ∀k→k∈y→k∈[]
           : (k : Key) (l' u' : Key⁺) (l'<u' : l' <⁺ u') → k ∈ [] → k ∈ []
  l<u      : l <⁺ u
  u        : Key⁺
  l        : Key⁺
           : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_
  _<_      : Rel Key 𝑼⟨<⟩
  Value    : Key → Set 𝑼⟨Value⟩
  Key      : Set 𝑼⟨Key⟩
  𝑼⟨<⟩     : Level.Level
  𝑼⟨Value⟩ : Level.Level
  𝑼⟨Key⟩   : Level.Level

This looks pretty similar to what we saw in lem2. It turns out that the
refl in the hole will refine, but, weirdly, the result is a
yellow-highlighted error:

_139 : [] ≡ []  [ at Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda.agda:114,42-46 ]
_140 : [] ≡ []  [ at Enagda05-need-more-help-from-agda.agda:114,42-46 ]

I suspect the meaning of the above error is that there's some unification
problem, but I feel like Agda could be telling me more. QUESTION: What does
it mean?
lem3 (k ∷ y) ∀k→k∈y→k∈[] = {!!}

Martin Stone Davis

1223 Ferry St
Apt 5
Eugene, OR 97401
Talk / Text / Voicemail: (310) 699-3578 <3106993578>
Electronic Mail: martin.stone.davis at gmail.com
Website: martinstonedavis.com
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