[Agda] Agda Writer - a GUI for Agda on OS X

Andrej Bauer andrej.bauer at andrej.com
Sat Nov 7 12:16:57 CET 2015

It is my pleasure to announce Agda Writter, a GUI for Agda on the OS X
platform, implemented by
Marko Koležnik. It is very easy to use and requires no installation at
all, as Agda is bundled with it. It should be very convenient for
teaching and casual use.

Agda Writer is freely available at http://markokoleznik.github.io/agda-writer/

It is open source so everyone is welcome to help improve it at


* no Emacs
* Agda is bundled with Agda Writer
* you can use your own Agda
* LaTeX-style UTF8 customizable shortcuts
* clickable error messages and goals

With kind regards,


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