[Agda] Bundlling Agda with agda-writer

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Tue Sep 8 13:05:37 CEST 2015

On 2015-09-08 11:41, Andrew Pitts wrote:
> Oh! Agda uses environment variables. Is this documented anywhere? (a
> quick search for Agda_datadir on http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda
> yielded no results). It would be good if it were.

Lots of stuff is missing from the wiki, there's more in the CHANGELOG.
Also in this case:

   Technical details (perhaps relevant to those who build Agda

   The include path now always contains a directory <DATADIR>/lib/prim,
   and this directory is supposed to contain a subdirectory Agda
   containing a file Primitive.agda.

   The standard location of <DATADIR> is system- and
   installation-specific.  E.g., in a cabal --user installation of
   Agda-2.3.4 on a standard single-ghc Linux system it would be
   $HOME/.cabal/share/Agda-2.3.4 or something similar.

   The location of the <DATADIR> directory can be configured at
   compile-time using Cabal flags (--datadir and --datasubdir).
   The location can also be set at run-time, using the Agda_datadir
   environment variable.


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