[Agda] How can we define a type of symmetric binary operations in Agda ?

Sergey Kirgizov sergey.kirgizov at u-bourgogne.fr
Thu Apr 30 17:35:26 CEST 2015

I don't  understand how  we can  define in Agda  a type  of "Symmetric
Binary Relation". Can you help me?
Imagine I have something like:


  At first we reaname  Set to 𝓤 (as in Universe)
𝓤 = Set

  First, we define a polymorphic idenity
data _==_ {A : 𝓤} (a : A) : A → 𝓤 where
  definition-of-idenity : a == a
infix 30 _==_

 Next we define the finite set Ω = {A,B,C}
data Ω : 𝓤 where
  A B C : Ω

 We add a type "Binary operation"
BinaryOperation = Ω → Ω → Ω

 I can actually define an example of Binary operation.
_⊙_ : BinaryOperation
x ⊙ x' = A
infix 40 _⊙_

 And then I can proove that ⊙ is Symmetric
proof-of-symmetry : ∀ x y → x ⊙ y == y ⊙ x
proof-of-symmetry = λ x y → definition-of-idenity


How we  can define a  type "Symmetric Binary Operation"?   Having this
type we will be able to define ⊙ as

_⊙_ : SymmetricBinaryOperation
x ⊙ y = A

and proof that ⊙ is symmetric will no be required.

Best regards,

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