[Agda] How to define subsemigroups

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Sat Feb 14 12:40:35 CET 2015

On Sat, 2015-02-14 at 15:36 +0530, N. Raghavendra wrote:
> Hi,
> How does one define subobjects of algebraic objects in Agda?  E.g., a
> subsemigroup of a semigroup, taking semigroup as defined in the Algebra
> module of stdlib?
> According to that definition, a semigroup has an underlying setoid
> (S,~), i.e., a set S with equivalence relation ~, and an associative
> binary operation * on S which preserves the relation ~.  So a
> subsemigroup should be given by a subsetoid of (S,~) stable under the
> operation *.  So another question: how does one define a subsetoid of a
> setoid?
> Thanks,
> Raghavendra.

I did this this way:

record CongMember {a ℓ p : Level} (A : Setoid a ℓ) :  Set _ 
  constructor congMember    -- Congruent Membership (to a Subset)
  Carrier = Setoid.Carrier A
  _≈_     = Setoid._≈_ A

  field  member : Carrier → Set p
         congM  : member Respects _≈_
-- `member'  is a membership for a subset B in A.
--           member x  is non-empty  iff  x ∈ B.                

record DecCongMember {a ℓ p : Level} (A : Setoid a ℓ) : Set _
  constructor decCongMem                         -- Decidable membership

  Carrier = Setoid.Carrier A
  _≈_     = Setoid._≈_ A

  field  cMember : CongMember {a} {ℓ} {p} A
         member? : Decidable (CongMember.member cMember)

record Subset {a ℓ p : Level} (A : Setoid a ℓ)
                              (cMem : CongMember {a} {ℓ} {p} A) :  Set _
  constructor subEl      -- making a subset element      
  open CongMember cMem

  field  elem  : Carrier
         .proof : member elem

For example,  (subEl 4 even-4) :  
                       Subset Nat.setoid (congMember even cong-even)

represents 4 as an element of the subset of even numbers in  Nat.
Here  even-4  is a witness for  Even 4,
cong-even  is a witness for that the predicate  even  agrees with  _≈_
on Nat (that is with _≡_).

In my approach of

I use this construct for a  decidable subsetoid, decidable Subsemigroup,
and so on.
I restrict to a decidable equality and decidable membership because
without such a decidability there will remain too poor library of
algorithmic methods.

Also my structures, as  Semigroup, Group etc,  are not of Standard
library, they have certain additional operations. 

you can use the above approach to Subset without requiring decidability,
and with using Standard library structures for algebra.




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