[Agda] Termination checking (perhaps could be smarter)

Carlos Camarao carlos.camarao at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 18:55:23 CET 2015


I am writing a simple insertion sort program in Agda, and proving its
correctness. I am using the following predicate (the full code of the
program is attached; I am using Agda version

sorted : List A → Bool
sorted []           = true
sorted (_ ∷ [])    = true
sorted (a ∷ b ∷ x) with a ≤? b
... | yes _ = sorted (b ∷ x)
... | no  _ = false

Agda hightlights the name of function sorted (in light salmon),
indicating that it could not determine the function's termination. But argument
(b ∷ x) is structurally smaller than (a ∷ b ∷ x), right? Any comments?

Please feel free to send me also any other comments you think it is
appropriate, related to the attached Agda code (for example related to
module parameters).


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