[Agda] simple question

Andrew Harris andrew.unit at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 19:51:19 CET 2015


   I am having trouble writing a simple function called lessThanEq.  It
takes two integers and should return a boolean "true" if the first is less
than or equal to the second.  I tried to write it like this:

open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Integer

module Test where

lessThanEq : ℤ → ℤ → Bool
lessThanEq x y = if (x ≤ y) then true else false

But Agda seems to tell me that the x ≤ y returns a Set instead of a Boolean
as in the following messages:

Set !=< Bool of type Set₁
when checking that the expression x ≤ y has type Bool

Am I doing something silly wrong or have I forgotten another standard
library that might help?

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