Re: [Agda] ℕ ⊆ P U Q -> ¬ isFinite P or ...

Paolo Capriotti paolo at
Sat Oct 25 18:51:24 CEST 2014

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Sergei Meshveliani <mechvel at> wrote:
> And I have an impression that the statement
>     question : {P Q : NSet} → setℕ ⊆ (P ⋃ Q) →
>                (¬ isFinite P) ⊎ (¬ isFinite Q)
> has not a constructive proof.
> Has it?

You're right, it's unprovable.  In fact, from `question` above you can distill a

    h : (ℕ → 2) → 2

such that

    ∀ f : ℕ → 2, ¬ isFinite (f⁻¹ (h f))

Now, `h` cannot be continuous.  In fact, let `m` be the modulus of continuity of
`h` at `λ _ → 0`, and let `f : ℕ → 2` be defined by:

    f n = 0 if n ≤ m
    f n = 1 otherwise


    0 = h (λ _ → 0) = h f = 1.

Discontinuous functions are taboo, hence `question` cannot be proved.


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