[Agda] (Stronger) double negation of law of excluded middle

Dmytro Starosud d.starosud at gmail.com
Sat Oct 11 21:50:50 CEST 2014

Hello everyone

Could you have a look at my problem below?
I am trying to prove something that looks like just better double negation
of law of excluded middle:

¬¬lem : ¬ ¬ ((A : Set) → A ⊎ ¬ A)
¬¬lem = _

Which I cannot prove, whereas following one is pretty easy to prove:

¬¬lem′ : (A : Set) → ¬ ¬ (A ⊎ ¬ A)
¬¬lem′ _ ¬lem = ¬lem (inj₂ (¬lem ∘ inj₁))

Is it actually possible to prove the first one in constructive logic (in
particular in Agda)?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,
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