[Agda] Constructors are injective -- standard proof?

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Sat Jun 7 22:02:10 CEST 2014

On 2014-06-05 16:20, Jacques Carette wrote:
> Related specific question: Is there a reason why all those useful
> little lemmas are all private in Data.Nat.Properties?

If they weren't private there would (in many cases) be two different
names for the same property. For instance,




would refer to the same thing. The style I've (mostly?) followed is to
avoid exporting ad-hoc names for values that can be accessed via a

> I've had to reprove some of them because of that.

I guess you refer to m+1+n≡1+m+n and m*1+n≡m+mn. These properties can be
proved using the semiring solver, so I didn't want to pollute the name
space with these names.


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