[Agda] Known inconsistency not fixed in release for one year

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Sun May 18 23:04:16 CEST 2014

On 2014-05-12 02:50, Paolo G.Giarrusso wrote:
> Moreover, the fix looks trivial to backport to 2.3.2 (codewise). Two stables
> releases ( and happened after that.

These minor releases were produced to ensure that Agda could be built
using newer versions of its dependencies, and to fix serious usability
problems (for "Fixed a bug that sometimes made it tricky to use
the Emacs mode on Windows").

In some cases (like this one) it may be easy to backport bug fixes, but
in general that may not be the case, and I don't think the core Agda
developers should spend lots of time doing that. However, I hope that
Agda 2.4.0 will be released soon.


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