[Agda] Generic programming and pointfree stuff.
flicky frans
flickyfrans at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 01:37:21 CEST 2014
Hi. I'm playing with generic programming in Agda. I've written a
function, which can be used to construct combinators.
Here are the examples: http://lpaste.net/4817148711178076160
Here is the main module: http://lpaste.net/1337448319143641088
The whole code is attached.
I have some questions:
Why doesn't agda have non-dependent pattern-matching? It's very usefull.
It would be nice to have the opportunity to rename fields in a
datatypes. Something like:
LTerm n = TreeLike (Fin n) renaming (Leaf to Var; Branch to App)
Or just Leaf = Var and Branch = App, but with opportunity to use Var
and App in the pattern-matching.
It takes a time to typecheck the examples, due to a memory leak
probably, but I can't figure out, where it happens. Is there something
like seq or bang patterns in agda?
There are a lot of redundant evaluations in the definition of λℕ':
_>>=T_ : {α : Level} {A : Set α} {k : A -> Level}
-> (mx : Maybe A) -> ((x : A) -> Set (k x)) -> Set (maybe′ k lzero mx)
nothing >>=T f = ⊤
just x >>=T f = f x
_>>=⊤_ : {α : Level} {A : Set α} {k : A -> Level} {B : (x : A) -> Set (k x)}
-> (mx : Maybe A) -> ((x : A) -> B x) -> mx >>=T B
nothing >>=⊤ _ = _
just x >>=⊤ f = f x
λℕ' : {α : Level} -> (n : ℕ) -> (t : LType) ->
finifyTreeLikeWith n t >>=T λ term ->
varTypesVec term >>=T λ types ->
finifyTreeLikeVec types >>=T λ LXs ->
getType LXs term >>=T λ type ->
castWithAs LXs type term >>=T λ tterm ->
∀⇒ (λ (Xs : Vec (Set α) _) -> vnary (V.map (getSet Xs) LXs)
(getSet Xs type))
λℕ' n t =
finifyTreeLikeWith n t >>=⊤ λ term ->
varTypesVec term >>=⊤ λ types ->
finifyTreeLikeVec types >>=⊤ λ LXs ->
getType LXs term >>=⊤ λ type ->
castWithAs LXs type term >>=⊤ λ tterm ->
λ {x} -> λ⇒ (λ Xs -> reduce (typifySet (x ∷ Xs) tterm))
and I don't know, how to fold them. Am I missing something or it's a
nontrivial thing?
It should be
λ⇒ (λ Xs -> reduce (typifySet Xs tterm))
instead of
λ {x} -> λ⇒ (λ Xs -> reduce (typifySet (x ∷ Xs) tterm))
due to the fact, that Xs is always X ∷ Xs' for some X and Xs', and the
definition of λ⇒, which I've stolen from the Arity-Generic
Datatype-Generic Programming paper:
∀⇒ : {l : ℕ} {α β : Level} {A : Set α}
-> (Vec A l -> Set β) -> Set (naryLevel l α β)
∀⇒ {0} B = B []
∀⇒ {suc l} B = ∀ {x} -> ∀⇒ (λ xs -> B (x ∷ xs))
λ⇒ : {l : ℕ} {α β : Level} {A : Set α} {B : Vec A l -> Set β}
-> ((xs : Vec A l) -> B xs) -> ∀⇒ B
λ⇒ {0} f = f []
λ⇒ {suc l} f = λ {x} -> λ⇒ (λ xs -> f (x ∷ xs))
And agda agrees with me, when it refines a hole, but complains, when
typechecks the whole module. Here is the error:
(L.foldr _⊔_
(L.foldr _⊔_ (_α_570 n t x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄)
(L.replicate n (_α_570 n t x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄)))
(V.foldr (λ _ → ℕ) (λ {.n} x → N._⊔_ (maxNatTreeLike x)) 0 x₁)
(lsuc (_α_570 n t x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄))))
(lsuc .α ⊔
L.foldr _⊔_ (L.foldr _⊔_ .α (L.replicate n .α))
(V.foldr (λ _ → ℕ) (λ {.n} x → N._⊔_ (maxNatTreeLike x)) 0 x₁)
(lsuc .α)))
when checking that the expression ...
has type...
So agda looses the "lsuc .α ⊔" part. I tried to explicitly instantiate
as much, as possible, but agda only gives more precise errors like Set
... != Set (lsuc α ⊔ ...). What's going wrong?
I can describe the algorithm, if someone is curious, but there is
nothing extra — just Hindley-Milner, lifting ℕ to Fin and replacing
abstract types with agda's specific. The only tricky part is dealing
with lambda application. When you have STApp e1 e2, you need to make a
function from e1 and a function from e2 (id, if e2 is variable) and
then "merge" them. It's hard to merge functions like (\x1 x3 -> x3)
(\x2 x4 x5 -> x2 (x5 x4)), so instead of returning id for variables,
reduce function returns (\x1 ... xn -> xi), where "n" is a number of
variables in a whole term and "i" corresponds to the specific
variable. Merging is trivial then: (\x1 ... xn -> f) (\x1 ... xn -> x)
=> (\x1 ... xn -> f x).
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