[Agda] AI4FM 2014: Call for Participation

Iain Whiteside Iain.Whiteside at newcastle.ac.uk
Tue Mar 25 17:16:19 CET 2014

 AI4FM 2014 - the 5th International Workshop on
   the use of AI in Formal Methods

   Singapore, 13th May, 2014
   In association with FM 2014
    --- Call For Participation ---

Workshop information
Workshop: May 13th, 2014
Registration: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~pat/FM2014/registration.html

Confirmed Speakers
Gerwin Klein, NICTA
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Chin Wei Ngan, National University of Singapore
Dominique Méry, LORIA and Université de Lorraine
Andrius Velykis, Newcastle University
Ligia Nistor and Jonathan Aldrich, CMU
Cliff Jones, Newcastle University
Gudmund Grov, Heriot-Watt University

About the workshop
This workshop will bring together researchers from formal methods,
automated reasoning and AI; it will address the issue of how AI can
be used to support the formal software development process, including
requirement analysis, modelling and proof. Previous AI4FM workshops
have included a mix of industrial and academic participants and we
anticipate attracting a similarly diverse audience.

Rigorous software development using formal methods allows the construction
of an accurate characterisation of a problem domain that is firmly based
on mathematics; by applying standard mathematical analyses, these methods
can be used to prove that systems satisfy formal specifications. Research
has shown that with tools backed by mature theory, formal methods are
becoming cost effective and their use is easier to justify, not as an
academic exercise, legal requirement or niche markets -- but as part of
a business case. However, while industrial use of formal methods is
increasing, in order to make it more mainstream, the cost of applying
formal methods, in terms of mathematical skill level and development
time, must still be reduced. A desirable outcome of the workshop is to
identify key areas where AI can help with such issues as well as
discussions about how it can be utilised.

* Leo Freitas (Newcastle University, UK)
* Gudmund Grov (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
* Iain Whiteside (Newcastle University, UK)

Contact Details
If you have any queries, please email the organisers at the following
email address:

 ai4fm2014 at ai4fm.org<mailto:ai4fm2014 at ai4fm.org>
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