[Agda] f (p1 , p2)

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Sat Jan 25 13:08:29 CET 2014

how to make work the below pattern of    g {d} (p1 , p2) = ...
I have

  private IncludedCommonDivs : C × C → C × C → Set (α ⊔ α=)
          IncludedCommonDivs (a , b) (a' , b') =
                             ∀ {d} → (d ∣ a × d ∣ b) → (d ∣ a' × d ∣ b')

  f : ∀ {x y} → IncludedCommonDivs (x , y) (x , y)
  f {d} (p1 , p2) = (p1 , p2)
  extGCD a b =  eGcd ...
    a-eq :  a ≈ (a * 1#) + (b * 0#)

    eGcd u1 u2  ...  with v ≟ 0#
        | yes v=0 =  record{ ...}  where ...
    ... | no v≉0  =
             (divRem′ q r u=q*v+r remLess) = divRem u v v≉0

             g : IncludedCommonDivs (a , b) (a , b)
             g {d} (p1 , p2) =  (p1 , p2)                              

1)  the pattern for  f  is type-checked,
2)  the pattern for  g  causes  "Not a valid let-declaration ..."

3)  the variant      g {d} pair =  (proj₁ pair , proj₂ pair)
    is type checked.                                      

I set `let' there because this allows the above pattern of   
            (divRem′ q r u=q*v+r remLess) = divRem u v v≉0.

Can this combination of  `with', `where' and `let' be reliable?  

I could try  `case' + `let',  with removing  `with' + `where'.
a) `case' is often difficult to make it type-checked,
b) I doubt of whether the matter is in mixing  "with + let".



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