[Agda] Re: include agda in latex

Stevan Andjelkovic stevan.andjelkovic at strath.ac.uk
Mon Jan 13 16:35:58 CET 2014

Dominique Devriese <dominique.devriese at ...> writes:
> Thorsten,
> I sometimes use emacs's htmlize-buffer function on type-checked agda
> code to turn the highlighted code into a html file. This is useful for
> example to include highlighted agda code in an OpenOffice presentation
> (when I don't want to be bothered with latex beamer oddities).
> Perhaps, for your situation, there is a way to turn the html file from
> htmlize-buffer into latex code that can be included in a non-lhs2TeX
> latex file?
> Anyway, if I understand correctly, the latex backend will make Agda
> output latex code directly, which seems like a cleaner approach, but I
> haven't used it and don't know how stable it is...


Here is how I'd do it using the LaTeX-backend:

  * presentation.tex:

    \begin{frame}\frametitle{Some Agda code}
        \item The natural numbers
        \item Addition (\AgdaFunction{\_+\_})

  * Code.lagda:

    data ℕ : Set where
      zero  : ℕ
      suc   : (n : ℕ) → ℕ
    _+_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
    zero   + n = n
    suc m  + n = suc (m + n)
  * Makefile:

        agda --latex $(CODE).lagda
     	latexmk -pdf -use-make $(SOURCE).tex

     	latexmk -pdf -use-make $(SOURCE).tex
     	rm -f $(CODE).agdai
     	rm -fr latex/

The \ExecuteMetaData command is part of the neat
catchfilebetweentags package, which you can read more about here:

Hopefully the rest is clear.


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