[Agda] y ≟ 0 for irrelevant y ≉ 0
Sergei Meshveliani
mechvel at botik.ru
Wed Jan 8 20:56:55 CET 2014
I have a code like
-- (I)
eucQuot' : (x y : C) → (nz : y ≉ 0#) → C
eucQuot' x y _ = quot $ divRem x y _
lemma : {x y : C} → (nz : y ≉ 0#) → eucQuot x y ≈ eucQuot' x y nz
lemma {x} {y} nz with y ≟ 0#
... | no _ = ≈refl
... | yes y=0 = ⊥-elim (nz y=0)
where divRem has the last argument irrelevant.
This is type-checked in
darcs MAlonzo of January 8, 2014.
Now I try to add irrelevance to eucQuot' and to lemma
(without any sensible reason for this, just for testing) :
-- (II)
eucQuot' : (x y : C) → .(nz : y ≉ 0#) → C
eucQuot' x y _ = quot $ divRem x y _
lemma : {x y : C} → .(nz : y ≉ 0#) → eucQuot x y ≈ eucQuot' x y _
lemma {x} {y} _ with y ≟ 0#
... | no _ = ≈refl
... | yes y=0 = ⊥-elim (? y=0)
-- where
-- nz' : y ≉ 0#
-- nz' = _
1) I cannot prove it without using "with y ≟ 0# ".
2) the checker requires the `yes' branch too,
and yes () is rejected, it needs "= ⊥-elim ...".
3) Now, what to put for the above `?' ?
nz is irrelevant and cannot be used here,
underscore causes "unsolved metas".
4) `where' in the end also causes "unsolved metas".
This looks strange: it knows what to put for `_' after {y} and does
not know this for "nz' = _".
So, I have .(nz : y ≉ 0#) and y=o and do not see how to map this to
Thank you in advance for explanation.
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