[Agda] _<=_ and _<_

Sergei Meshveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Wed Sep 25 15:04:03 CEST 2013

Please, how to prove          x < y → x ≤ y

in the general setting under  lib-0.7  ?

<-then-≤ : (dto : DecTotalOrder _ _ _) →
           let open DecTotalOrder dto using (_≈_; _≤_) 
                                      renaming (Carrier to C)
           (_<_ : Rel C _) → IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_ →
           {x y : C}       → x < y                      → x ≤ y

<-then-≤ dto _<_ isSTO {x} {y} x<y =   ??

{- how to implement?

  case  ≤total x y  of \ { (inj₁ x≤y) → x≤y
                         ; (inj₂ y≤x) →	?
  case  compare x y  of \ { (tri≈ _   x=y _) → ≤refl x=y
                          ; (tri≈ x<y _   _) → ?
  open DecTotalOrder dto using (Carrier;_≈_; _≤_) renaming
                                                  (reflexive to ≤refl)
  open IsStrictTotalOrder isSTO using (compare)
  open Tri

2) Is the above signature an appropriate way to relate _≤_ to _<_ ?

Thank you in advance for explanation,


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