[Agda] extending setoid

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Mon Aug 5 12:08:08 CEST 2013

Hi Sergei,

you could write a setoid transformer

   maybeSetoid : Setoid -> Setoid
   maybeSetoid S =
     record { Carrier = Maybe S.Carrier
            ; ...

and then instantiate it with

   cardSetoid = maybeSetoid natSetoid
   fooSetoid  = maybeSetoid foo1Setoid



On 01.08.13 8:20 PM, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:
> People,
> I wonder: how to generalize a default Setoid extension with a new value?
> For example, I write
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> data Cardinality : Set where  fin      : ℕ → Cardinality
>                                infinity : Cardinality
> -- That is   ℕ  U  infinity,
> -- the equality extends in a standard way:
> cardSetoid : Setoid 0L 0L
> cardSetoid = record{ Carrier       = Cardinality
>                     ; _≈_           = _=c_
>                     ; isEquivalence = isEquiv-c }
>      where
>      _=c_ : Rel Cardinality _
>      (fin m)  =c (fin n)  =  m ≡ n
>      infinity =c infinity =  ⊤
>      _        =c _        =  ⊥
>      open IsEquivalence natEquiv using ()
>                            renaming (sym to nSym; trans to nTrans)
>      cRefl : Reflexive _=c_
>      cRefl {fin m}    = refl
>      cRefl {infinity} = ⊤.tt
>      cTrans : Transitive _=c_
>      cTrans {infinity} {_}      {infinity} _    _    =  cRefl
>      cTrans {fin k}    {fin .k} {fin .k}   refl refl =  refl
>      cTrans {_}        {fin _}    {infinity} _    y='z =  ⊥-elim y='z
>      cTrans {_}        {infinity} {fin _}    _    y='z =  ⊥-elim y='z
>      cTrans {fin _}    {infinity} {_}        x='y _    =  ⊥-elim x='y
>      cTrans {infinity} {fin _}    {_}        x='y _    =  ⊥-elim x='y
>      cSym : ...
>      ...
>      isEquiv-c = record{ refl = cRefl; sym = cSym; trans = cTrans }
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Next time it may be, say,
>    data Foo : Set where foo1 : Foo1 → Foo
>                         foo2 : Foo,
> and a similar code will need to repeat.
> If  Foo1  is of Setoid, then  _≈_  extends to  Foo  by default.
> So, one can imagine a function
>      deriveExtendedSetoid : ...
> Has anybody organized such a generalization?
> May be, Standard library has some support?
> Regards,
> ------
> Sergei
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Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY

andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de

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