[Agda] --without-K option too restrictive?
Andrés Sicard-Ramírez
andres.sicard.ramirez at gmail.com
Wed May 29 17:26:10 CEST 2013
As far as I understand, the --without-K option rejects the K-rule which
cannot be proved using subst. Given
open import Data.List
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary
module NDTO = DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder
P : {A : Set} → List A → List A → Set
P xs ys = ∃ (λ x → ys ≡ x ∷ xs)
Q : {A : Set} → List A → List A → Set
Q xs ys = (length xs) < (length ys)
helper : {A : Set}(y : A)(xs : List A) → (length xs) < (length (y ∷ xs))
helper y [] = s≤s z≤n
helper y (x ∷ xs) = s≤s NDTO.refl
Why the --without-K option rejects the following proof
foo : {A : Set}(xs ys : List A) → P xs ys → Q xs ys
foo xs .(x ∷ xs) (x , refl) = helper x xs
if I can prove foo using only subst
foo' : {A : Set}(xs ys : List A) → P xs ys → Q xs ys
foo' xs ys (x , h) =
subst (λ ys' → length xs < length ys') (sym h) (helper x xs)
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