[Agda] record field ambiguity

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Mon May 13 15:00:48 CEST 2013

On 2013-05-09 13:07, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:
> Can you, please, explain the checker behavior
>                                       (Agda-2.3.2, MAlonzo, lib-0.7)
> in the below program?
> (1) M.ResidueLI  is a record parameterized by  (I : DReductionLIdeal);
>      the function  residueSetoid  takes  rdI : DReductionLIdeal
>      and uses
>      rCarr = M.ResidueLI rdI    as a carrier for operations.
> But I need to use  Res-rdI = M.ResidueLI rdI
> as a module, with the value  rdI  instantiated, and use the field value
> resRepr  of  Res-rdI.
> And my attempts with  module Res-rdI = ResidueLI rdI,
> with                  ResidueLI.resRepr rdI,
> with                  resRepr = ResidueLI.resRepr rCarr
> -- are rejected, because the checker requires for  rdI  some strange
> type instead of  DReductionLIdeal  declared for  rdI.

There is an explanation of record modules in Ulf's tutorial.


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