[Agda] no longer type checks

Martin Escardo m.escardo at cs.bham.ac.uk
Fri Dec 14 07:57:55 CET 2012

Right. But why are the in's not "injective" (Agda's error message) 
whereas false/true are?

What is the criterion used by Agda? And why do the in's look injective 
in plain definition by cases below?

I suppose you wanted refl not to be injective with without-K, but isn't 
the current criterion too strong?


On 14/12/12 00:14, Justus Matthiesen wrote:
>> Anyway, is there a simple workaround?
> The following should do the job:
>    bool-distinct : true ≡ false → ⊥
>    bool-distinct ()
>    is-in₀ : {X Y : Set} → X + Y → Bool
>    is-in₀ (in₀ _) = true
>    is-in₀ (in₁ _) = false
>    lemma : {X Y : Set} {x : X} {y : Y} → in₀ x ≡ in₁ y → ⊥
>    lemma e = bool-distinct (cong is-in₀ e)
> Justus

Martin Escardo

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