[Agda] _$_

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at chalmers.se
Sat Sep 1 23:55:25 CEST 2012

On 2012-09-01 19:33, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
> For  Agda- + lib-0.6,
>       _$_  imported from  Function,
>       record IntIdeal (n : Nat) ...    my user type,
> each of the following 4 declarations causes "unsolved metas":
>    n : Nat
>    n = suc $ suc 0
>    foo : (g : Nat) -> IntIdeal $ suc $ suc g -> CommutativeRing _ _
>    foo : (g : Nat) -> IntIdeal $ suc (suc g) -> CommutativeRing _ _
>    foo : (g : Nat) -> IntIdeal (suc $ suc g) -> CommutativeRing _ _
> But
>               foo : (g : Nat) -> IntIdeal $ suc g -> CommutativeRing _ _
> is compiled.
> What might this mean?

I suspect that suc is overloaded. Is your code accepted if you write
ℕ.suc instead of suc?


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