[Agda] Strictly positive types

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at chalmers.se
Tue Aug 21 10:44:18 CEST 2012

On 2012-08-20 18:14, Andrés Sicard-Ramírez wrote:
> Reading in Coq' Art about head type constraints (section,
> the following type is rejected by Coq 8.4, but it is accepted by Agda
> (development version):
> data ℕ : Set where
>    zero : ℕ
>    suc  : ℕ → ℕ
> data T : Set → Set where
>    c : T (T ℕ)
> Could someone explain me the motivation for rejecting the type T in
> Coq and/or for accepting it in Agda.

I don't think this kind of type should be allowed. Currently we can

   data _≡_ (A : Set) : Set → Set where
     refl : A ≡ A,

and according to Voevodsky this type is incompatible with his univalent
model. (By the way, I think you can define _≡_ as above in Coq as well.)


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