[Agda] irrelevant fields and EqReasoning

Noam Zeilberger noam.zeilberger at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 16:59:17 CEST 2012

I'm seeing some strange behavior while trying to use EqReasoning
(Relation.Binary.EqReasoning from the standard library) to build
proofs of equality of records containing irrelevant fields, and I was
wondering if someone has an idea of what could be going on.
(Apologies for a slightly vague question, but I'm having trouble
coming up with a small example of the behavior in question.)

So, following EqReasoning, the general shape of these proofs is

  Proof = begin x0 ≈⟨ e1 ⟩ x1 ≈⟨ e2 ⟩ x2 ... ≈⟨ en ⟩ xn ∎

where the xi are terms of a common type, and the ei are proofs of
equality ei : x(i-1) ≈ xi.  In my case, the xi are terms of a record
type Foo containing an irrelevant field "bar", and ≈ is a certain
equivalence relation on Foo (not defined as propositional equality).

The strange behavior is that type-checking Proof yields various
unsolved metas of type "bar".  If I rewrite Proof using explicit
application of transitivity

  Proof' = trans≈ {i = x0} {j = x1} {k = xn} e1 $
               trans≈ {i = x1} {j = x2} {k = xn} e2 $
               trans≈ {i = x(n-2)} {j = x(n-1)} {k = xn} e(n-1) $

then the unsolved metas go away.  On the other hand, if I try to
remove some of the redundancy in Proof' (e.g., by leaving the j's or
the k's implicit) then again there are unsolved metas of type "bar".

Any ideas?


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