[Agda] Workshop "Réalisabilité in Chambéry #5"

Pierre Hyvernat pierre.hyvernat at univ-savoie.fr
Wed May 16 14:41:05 CEST 2012


Some people on this list might be interested by this workshop...
Don't hesitate to register, submit talks or contact me for additional 



Greetings to all!

This is the second announcement for the fifth workshop 
"Réalisabilité à Chambéry".

This year's workshop will take place from Tuesday the 5th of June to 
Friday the 8th of June.

The invited speakers are:
    - Martin Hofmann (Munich): "Proof-relevant logical relations",
    - Jonas Frey (Paris): "Basic relational objects as an algebraic 
      framework for realizability"
    - Jean-Louis Krivine (Paris): classical realizability, TBA,
    - Alexandre Miquel (Lyon): realizability model for set theory, TBA.

The program will be made available shortly here:

Note that the meeting will start on Tuesday the 5th, at 2'00 pm.

Partial information is gathered on the web page:
and you can (should) register for the workshop there:

There will be sessions for contributed talks, and PhD students are 
particularly encouraged to submit a talk. (There are very few 
submissions at this time: don't hesitate to submit something...)

For the first time, we will offer a couple of grants for students 
attending the workshop. Those grants will cover (part of) the cost 
of the travel and a room on the campus. We still don't know how many 
grants we will be able to award, but priority will be given to 
students presenting their work at the workshop.
If you are interested, register and contact me as soon as possible...

It is possible to get a student room (on campus, very cheap, but 
only a bare room). Students will of course be given priority for 
those, but anyone may ask... You do have to register before the 25th 
of May though.

Other possibilities for accommodation are given on the web page:

Pierre Hyvernat
Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without
taking off your shoes.
      -- Mickey Mouse

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