[Agda] A proof of the irrationality of the square root in Agda

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at chalmers.se
Fri Nov 4 16:13:54 CET 2011

On 2011-11-04 15:10, IKEGAMI Daisuke wrote:
> TODO (still working)
> - the natural numbers without zero with multiplication is cancellative

This is proved in the standard library (more or less).

> - 2 is prime

It should be easy to prove this. Let me try:

   module Two-is-prime where

   open import Data.Empty
   open import Data.Fin as Fin hiding (_+_)
   open import Data.Fin.Dec
   open import Data.Nat
   open import Data.Nat.Divisibility
   open import Data.Unit
   open import Level using (Lift)
   open import Relation.Nullary

   -- Some helpers that should have been in the library

   -- If a decision procedure returns "yes", then we can extract the
   -- proof using from-yes.

   From-yes : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} → Dec P → Set p
   From-yes {P = P} (yes _) = P
   From-yes         (no  _) = Lift ⊤

   from-yes : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} (p : Dec P) → From-yes p
   from-yes (yes p) = p
   from-yes (no  _) = _

   -- If we can decide P, then we can decide its negation.

   decide-negation : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} → Dec P → Dec (¬ P)
   decide-negation (yes p) = no (λ ¬p → ¬p p)
   decide-negation (no ¬p) = yes ¬p

   -- Two is prime

   -- Definition of primality.

   Prime : ℕ → Set
   Prime 0             = ⊥
   Prime 1             = ⊥
   Prime (suc (suc n)) = (i : Fin n) → ¬ (2 + Fin.toℕ i ∣ 2 + n)

   -- Decision procedure for primality.

   prime? : ∀ n → Dec (Prime n)
   prime? 0             = no λ()
   prime? 1             = no λ()
   prime? (suc (suc n)) =
     all? λ i → decide-negation ((2 + Fin.toℕ i) ∣? (2 + n))

   -- 2 is prime.

   2-is-prime : Prime 2
   2-is-prime = from-yes (prime? 2)

I'll add some definitions to the library.


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